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          Early access to TradeAppster is now available!

          You are invited to be one of the very first users to upload products to TradeAppster,
          the first GENUINE wholesale b2b trading platform to buy and sell in bulk.

          Why TradeAppster?

          • Verified offers via GPS-tracking and timestamp
          • Full-HD 1080p live product photos and videos
          • Unlimited product upload for free
          • Available on the App Store and on Play Store

          Join us as a Beta-Tester with early access today!

          TradeAppster is still a ‘beta’, not everything will be perfect yet. But with Your help, we can make it better and easy to use as possible. If You have any suggestions or requests, we would like to hear them:

          How to start using TradeAppster?

          1. Create a free account
          2. Download the TradeAppster app on the App Store or on Play Store
          3. Take product photos and videos with the app
          4. Create a new post. Your photos and videos will be waiting for You there.
          5. Give feedback about Your experience with us

          We value Your feedback!

          As one of our first members who helps us to improve, we offer You

          • 1-year premium membership for free
          • We feature Your products for 3 months for free

          Thanks for being so awesome and for supporting our mission! You rock!